The below information relates to AUSBIL Global Essential Infrastructure and AUSBIL Global SmallCap, sub-funds of SICAV NYLIM GF (formerly known as Candriam GF).

The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is one of the deliverables of the EU’s action plan launched in 2018 to redirect capital flows towards more sustainable activities.

SFDR requires financial market participants and financial advisers to make disclosures on the integration of sustainability risks, on the consideration of adverse sustainability impacts, on sustainable investment objectives, or on the promotion of environmental or social characteristics, in their investment decision‐making and in advisory processes, to end investors.

SFDR sets out the rules which define the nature and form of sustainability-related information that should be disclosed with respect to a given financial product. SFDR does not define what a sustainable financial product is. The regulation aims to ensure that any product marketed as ‘sustainable’ provides specific information on its environmental, social and governance (ESG) credentials.

SFDR creates two categories of sustainable financial products, defined in article 8 and 9 of the regulation, with specific disclosures applicable to them.

NYLIM GF – AUSBIL Global Essential Infrastructure

The below provides further details on the policies and disclosures relating to the NYLIM GF – AUSBIL Global Essential Infrastructure.

NYLIM GF – AUSBIL Global SmallCap

The below provides further details on the policies and disclosures relating to the NYLIM GF – AUSBIL Global SmallCap.

The information on this page is provided for information purposes only, it does not constitute an offer to buy or sell financial instruments, nor does it represent an investment recommendation or confirm any kind of transaction, except where expressly agreed. Although Ausbil selects carefully the data and sources within this page and documents, errors or omissions cannot be excluded a priori. Ausbil cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect losses as a result of the use of this page or documents. The intellectual property rights of Ausbil must be respected at all times, contents of this document may not be reproduced without prior written approval.

Warning: Past performances of a given financial instrument or index or an investment service, or simulations of past performances, or forecasts of future performances are not reliable indicators of future performances. Gross performances may be impacted by commissions, fees and other expenses. Performances expressed in a currency other than that of the investor's country of residence are subject to exchange rate fluctuations, with a negative or positive impact on gains. If the present document refers to a specific tax treatment, such information depends on the individual situation of each investor and may change.

The present page and documents does not constitute investment research as defined by Article 36, paragraph 1 of the Commission delegated regulation (EU) 2017/565. Ausbil stresses that this information has not been prepared in compliance with the legal provisions promoting independent investment research, and that it is not subject to any restriction prohibiting the execution of transactions prior to the dissemination of investment research.

Ausbil consistently recommends investors to consult via Candriam’s website the key information document, prospectus, and all other relevant information prior to investing in the NYLIM GF – AUSBIL Global Essential Infrastructure Fund and NYLIM GF - AUSBIL Global SmallCap Fund, including the net asset value (NAV) of the funds.

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